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Crittenden County

High School

Rocket Band


Rocket Band

Welcome to the Crittenden County Bands Page!

Welcome Crittenden County Band students/family! Your band director is looking forward to teaching you and we are extremely excited to have you as a part of our Crittenden County Band family. As a Crittenden County Band member, you’ll learn to play an instrument, make music with a group and become an active member of the Rocket Band family! As a member of the band family, you’ll be there for your fellow band members and learn to work, communicate, lead the group of the present and be the example for the group of the future. Band students should lead as examples, both in the band room, the rest of the school, and be a representative of the entire band program. Band requires a lot of hard work and determination that will help you grow in your ability to not only play your instrument, but also as a student and young-adult. You’ll also make so many memories in band that will last a lifetime.

Message from the director - Mr. Alex Benoit:
"I am very excited and honored to be the band director here in Crittenden County. My goal is to get this program out into the community and play. I want to grow the program into something that this school and community can be proud of. We'll be playing at home football and basketball games playing pep band music. In class we'll be playing concert band music and preparing for concerts and other public performances. Every group is different; but we are all members of the Rocket Band!"

Message or Email Mr. Benoit to get added to the 2024-25 Rocket Band Group

Facebook/Instagram - Follow us on Facebook at Crittenden County Bands and on Instagram: @crittendenbands

Future Events

Rocket Band

2024-2025 Rocket Band Schedule

August -

August 14th: First Day of School

August 23rd: Home Football Game vs. Webster County: Call-Time is 6:00 PM

August 30th: Home Football Game vs. Union County: Call-Time is 6:00 PM

September -

September 3rd: Booster Meeting - 5:30PM

September 21st: Full Into The Arts (This is a Pep Band performance/fundraiser) 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

October -

October 1st: Booster Meeting - 5:30PM

October 7th-11th: Fall Break

October 17th: Homecoming Parade - 5:00 (Band will stay after school this day)

October 18th: Home Football Game vs. Mayfield: Call-Time is 6:00 PM (Homecoming Game)

October 29th: Ground Breaking Ceremony (New Judicial Center in Marion) 1:00 PM 

November -

November 1st: Home Football Game vs. Calloway County: Call-Time is 6:00 PM

November 5th: Election Day (NO SCHOOL)

November 11th: Veterans Day Program (Elementary School; 8th and High School ONLY)

November 12th: Booster Meeting - 5:30PM

November 18th: Middle School All-District Auditions @ Graves County Middle School

November 21st: All District Symphonic Band/Round 1 of KY All-State Auditions @Calloway County High School

November 25th: MSU Tri-State Middle School Honor Band

November 27th-29th: Thanksgiving Break (NO SCHOOL)


December 3rd: All District Concert Band Auditions

December 10th: Booster Meeting - 5:30PM

December 13th: Girl/Boy Double Header vs. Livingston (6/7:30) - Calltime 5:30

December 16th: Christmas Concert Dress Rehearsal

December 17th: A Rocket Christmas Concert (6:30 at Rocket Arena)

December 20th-January 3rd: Holiday Break (NO SCHOOL)

January -

January 6th: Teacher Planning Day (NO SCHOOL)

January 7th: Students First Day Back

January 7th: Booster Meeting - 5:30PM

January 9th-11th: District 1 All-District Weekend

January 14th: Girl/Boy Double Header vs. Trigg (6/7:30) - Calltime 5:30

January 20th: NO SCHOOL

January 31st: Girl/Boy Double Header vs. Lyon (6/7:30) - Calltime 5:30

February -

February 4th: Booster Meeting - 5:30PM

February 5th–8th: KMEA Conference/All-State Band Weekend (Louisville, KY)

February 13th-15th: 66th Annual MSU Quad State Concert Band Clinic

February 17th: Teacher Planning Day (NO SCHOOL)

February 18th: NO SCHOOL

February 21st: JV/Varsity Double Header vs. Hop. Central (6/7:30) - Calltime 5:30

March -

March 4th: Booster Meeting - 5:30PM

March 24th-25th: Large Ensemble Assessment (Paducah Tilghman HS)

April -

March 31st - April 4th: Spring Break

April 7th: Teacher Planning Day (NO SCHOOL)

April 8th: Booster Meeting - 5:30PM

April 29th: Booster Meeting - 5:30PM

May -

May 5th: Spring Concert Dress Rehearsal (Fohs Hall)

May 6th: Crittenden County Bands Spring Concert (6:30 at Fohs Hall)

May 22nd: Last Day of School

Notice of Nondiscrimination
Students, their families, employees and potential employees of Crittenden County Schools are hereby notified that the district does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, marital status, sex or disability in employment, vocational programs offerings, admissions criteria, or activities as set forth in compliance with federal and state statutes and regulations.