Crittenden County

Elementary School

Crittenden County Schools News Article

School Calendar Changes

Below, please find a copy of the 24-25 school calendar, which was amended at last evening's Board of Education meeting. Due to two non-school days, we need to make up two days in the calendar. Students will now be in school on Feb. 18 and May 23. (Please note that originally, Feb. 17 and 18 were non school days. Now, Feb. 17 will remain a day off for students, but students WILL be in school on the 18th. The last day of school was originally set for May 22. It will now be May 23.) 

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Notice of Nondiscrimination
Students, their families, employees and potential employees of Crittenden County Schools are hereby notified that the district does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, marital status, sex or disability in employment, vocational programs offerings, admissions criteria, or activities as set forth in compliance with federal and state statutes and regulations.